Pattaya IVF Prices

IVF is among the treatment methods that help reproduction. The treatment begins by collecting eggs from expectant mothers and collecting sperm cells from father candidates. The embryo, which is formed after fertilization in laboratory environments, is placed in the uterus of the expectant mothers and the application continues. Pattaya , one of the remarkable cities of Thailand, is also quite developed in IVF treatment. For this reason, in vitro fertilization prices in Pattaya are researched by international tourists who want to be treated here.

After the embryo is placed in the uterus of the expectant mother, the pregnancy will continue naturally. IVF treatment can be performed in two different ways. One of these methods is called classical IVF treatment. In this method, the egg and sperm are left in the same environment and a natural fertilization is expected here. The other method is called microinjection. In this method, the sperm is injected into the egg cell and fertilization is achieved in this way. Both treatments can be applied successfully. Which of these treatment methods will be preferred is decided by the physician by looking at the health status and reproductive abilities of the spouses. The main purpose of IVF treatment is to ensure a healthy pregnancy.

IVF Treatment

IVF Treatment
IVF Treatment

If the couples have had regular and unprotected sexual intercourse for one year, if pregnancy does not occur, health checks should be performed. If expectant mothers are older than 35, it will be sufficient to wait 6 months. In order to achieve pregnancy naturally, it is important that the hormonal system and many different organs work in harmony with each other, as well as the female reproductive system. The hypothalamus region in the brain will stimulate the pituitary gland.

The pituitary gland secretes the hormones FSH and LH. These hormones, which come to the ovaries with the help of the circulatory system, stimulate the egg follicles in the ovarian reserve. In this way, some of the eggs begin to mature. With the cracking of the healthiest egg, the egg is released into the area called the fallopian tube, located between the ovary and the uterus .

Here, the egg to be fertilized has a 24-hour lifespan. However , sperms, which are male reproductive cells , can stay in women’s bodies for 4-5 days. Fertilization occurs when sexual intercourse occurs before ovulation or on the day of ovulation.

In this process, the follicle in which the egg is located secretes estrogen and thickens the uterine walls. When the egg is fertilized, it reaches the uterus and the embryo attaches to the thickened uterine wall. This is how pregnancy begins. In this process, some reproductive problems may occur in men and women. At this stage, couples can have in vitro fertilization , which is among the methods that help reproduction, after examinations and tests .

IVF process, eggs collected from expectant mothers and sperm collected from father candidates are fertilized in the laboratory environment. The resulting embryo is placed in the wombs of expectant mothers by embryo transfer method. As a result of the blood test performed two weeks later, the beta HCG level is checked in the expectant mother. If the test result shows that the pregnancy is positive, the pregnancy has started. There is no difference between the pregnancy obtained in the IVF treatment method and the pregnancy obtained naturally. From the onset of pregnancy, the process proceeds normally.

When Should Infertile Couples Start IVF Treatment?

If women who are under the age of 35 and who do not have any problems preventing them from getting pregnant have had unprotected and regular intercourse for 1 year, but have not become pregnant, this situation should be examined by specialist physicians. If necessary, in vitro fertilization treatments are started. Women who are over the age of 35 or who have had any problems that prevented them from getting pregnant before, should try for 6 months. If pregnancy does not occur at the end of this period, the necessary IVF procedure should be started.

What are the Methods Applied in IVF Treatment?

In vitro fertilization method is a treatment method that is frequently applied and has a high success rate. These treatments are applied because there is a problem with the tubes in women, ovulation problems and infertility in men. Various applications are on the agenda in order to increase the success of the treatment.

What is the Difference Between Vaccination Treatments and IVF?

What is the Difference Between Vaccination Treatments and IVF
What is the Difference Between Vaccination Treatments and IVF

In cases of male-related and unexplained infertility, vaccination treatment is performed before starting IVF treatment. In the vaccination process, as in the IVF treatment, the ovaries of women are stimulated. After the eggs are cracked, the sperms taken from the male are left in the uterus with a cannula.

In order for the vaccination to be performed, at least one of the women’s tubes must work. It is also an important issue that the sperm analysis of the man is normal or close to normal. In addition, there should be no endometrial pathology that would prevent women from getting pregnant.

What Does the IVF Treatment Process Cover?

Women who menstruate regularly produce a single egg per month. For IVF application , it is aimed to increase the number of eggs with externally given hormone drugs. Although the treatment protocols vary, basically two parallel hormone treatments are applied that provide egg development and prevent early ovulation situations.

During the use of hormonal drugs, the responses of the ovaries, namely egg development , are followed and blood tests and ultrasound procedures are performed to make dose adjustments if necessary. Eggs that have reached maturity are collected by the aspiration method known as fracturing needles and fertilization is carried out with sperm taken from the male in laboratory environments. Egg collection can be performed under general anesthesia or under local anesthesia or sedation.

classical IVF method, fertilization can be performed by leaving the sperm and eggs side by side. In addition, in the method called microinjection, it is possible to perform the procedures by injecting a sperm into a single egg under a high magnification microscope.

Fertilized eggs are left to develop for 2 or 3 days, sometimes 5 or 6 days in the laboratory in temperature and atmosphere controlled culture environments. At the end of this period, the best developing embryos are selected and placed in the uterus.

Determining the number of embryos to be transferred directly affects the chance of pregnancy and the risk of multiple pregnancy. In the process following the determination of embryo quality, physicians discuss this number with their patients in detail. Embryo transfer procedures are performed under anesthesia or sedation.

Is There an Age Limit for IVF in Men?

Sperm production in men is a condition that continues at all ages. However, with the advancing age, there may be a decrease in sperm quality. In men older than 55 years, sperm motility begins to decrease. In addition, deterioration of sperm DNA may occur.

How Many Days Does IVF Treatment Take?

IVF treatment takes approximately 15-18 days. After this process, 10-12 days later, blood tests are performed for expectant mothers and beta HCG levels are checked. In this way, it is checked whether the pregnancy has started or not.

Pattaya IVF Treatment

Pattaya IVF Treatment
Pattaya IVF Treatment

Pattaya is one of the countries where IVF treatment is highly developed. Every year, many medical tourists prefer Thailand for treatment and vacation. Pattaya has the distinction of being the second largest city in Thailand. You can contact us for more detailed information about IVF treatment in Pattaya .

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